Services for travelers with disabilities
Fort Lauderdale Airport
Services for travelers with disabilities

Services for travelers with disabilities
Building Access:
All terminals can be accessed from the Garage Complex and roadways. Wheelchair access to all terminals is on level 1or level 4 on the west end of the Garage Complex. Curb cuts, ramps, level entrances, elevators and automatic doors are provided.
Wheelchair accessible restrooms are provided at all public restrooms in the ticket lobbies, concourses and baggage claim areas.
Free Parking | Disabled American Veterans
Veterans that have "DAV" or "DV" license plates on their vehicles, do not pay parking fees.
You must use the cashier lane to exit the parking garage.
Tell the cashier that you are a disabled veteran and have a, DAV, or, DV, license plate.
Courtesy Parking
Fort Lauderdale Airport provides courtesy parking to individuals that operate vehicles that:
1. Display a Florida Toll Exemption permit
2. Contain specialized equipment for utilization by a person who has a disability, such as foot or hand controls, lifts or ramps.
3. Subject to Aviation Department verification procedures.
Phones are in the ticket lobbies, concourses and baggage claim level. Amplified phones are available at each location.
FLL address information
100 Terminal Drive,
Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 33315
Popular Airport questions answered here:
- Spirit Airlines Terminal 4 - phone number 800-772-7117
- Thrifty car rental Fort Lauderdale Airport phone number 800-847-4389
- Key West has it's own international airport. The next closest is Miami Airport
- Shuttle service from FLL to Port Everglades can be found on the arrival level, call 954-969-0069 for reservations ahead of time
- Taxi service from FLL to Port Everglades can be found on the arrival level
TTY phones for passengers with hearing and speech impairments are available in each terminal building. Locations are designated at each public phone bank.
Courtesy Phone Boards with TTY phones are located in the baggage claim area of all terminals. The phone will connect callers to the Florida Relay Service and give directory assistance.
Florida TTY / Voice Relay Service: 1-800-955-8770(V), 1-800-955-8771(TTY).
Ground Transportation:
Taxi/Yellow Cab: Taxicabs provide transportation for passengers with folding wheelchairs at no surcharge. Wheelchair accessible vans are available at no extra charge, advanced notice recommended. Call Yellow Cab wheelchair taxi dispatch at (954) 565-2800.
Fort Lauderdale Airport Shared Ride:
Airport Shuttle Service - 954-969-0069
LYFT share ride service Uber share ride
GO Airport Shuttle provides wheelchair lift-equipped vans at no additional charge. Advance notice is recommended. Contact GO Airport Shuttle. (954) 561-8888 or (800) 244-8252.
Car Rental:
With advance notice, most car rental companies provide rental cars equipped with hand controls.
Mass Transit - Tri Rail and Broward County Transit (Bct)
Bus stops are located at the east end of Terminal 2, between Terminals 2 and 3, and the east end of Terminal 4, lower level. Tri Rail feeder buses and Bct Mass Transit both operate daily schedules. Call for information or visit their web sites.
Bct Rider Info Line: (954) 357-8400 or 357-8320(TTY).
Tri Rail Information: 1-800-TRI-RAIL (1-800-874-7245).

Airport Economy Parking lot
FLL also offers transportation, parking, and terminal services that address the special needs of travelers with disabilities.
Free Parking for Disabled American Veterans
Veterans that display "DAV" license plates do not pay parking fees. Use a cashier lane when exiting the garage. Before the cashier rings up your transaction, advise them that you are a disabled veteran and have a DAV license plate on your vehicle.
Go directly to the Economy Parking Lot located on S.W.42 Street from both Griffin Road and State Road 84 just west of I-95 and Fort Lauderdale Hollywood International Airport. The Economy Parking Lot is fenced, lighted, has covered shelters and security patrols. Disabled parking spaces are located next to all shuttle stops. Free accessible shuttles to the terminals operate every 15 minutes, 24 hours daily; look for Shuttle Stop signs at shelters. Terminal drop- off and pick-up stops are at each terminal building lower level; crosswalk (4-stops). Catch the Economy Parking shuttle back to your car at those locations. The rate is $7.50/day
Valet Parking
Valet Parking is now available at the Airport. Follow the signs to the Departure (upper) Level and look for the signs.
Cost is $12 first 0-2 hours; $6 for each additional hour; maximum $39 daily. For valet information and up to date pricing, call 954-359-6931.
ADA Parking Access Feature:
The Fort Lauderdale Hollywood International Airport has an innovative feature installed for persons with upper body mobility limitations. An Americans with Disabilities Act, (ADA) Parking Access Feature has been installed at at all the parking facilities which allows patrons to access the parking lot without pulling a ticket. Vehicle information is recorded via speaker phone and remote camera and parking charges are calculated upon exiting the parking facility.
Persons operating vehicles that display a Florida Turnpike Toll Exemption permit or that are specially equipped with permanently affixed hand controls, mechanical lift devices or ramps to allow transportation of disabled persons will be provided with courtesy parking , subject to Aviation Department verification procedures.
Garage Complex
With direct access to all terminals, our multi-level Garage Complex has
11 entrances with over 12,000 spaces.
Daily is $1 per 20 minutes; maximum $15 daily.
Hourly is $1 per 20 minutes; maximum $36 daily. Follow the signs to Hourly and Daily Parking.
Note: Motorists picking up and dropping off passengers are encouraged to use Hourly parking which is 75 cents/half hour. Do not park overnight in Hourly Parking. The rate for 24 hours is $36.00. If you are parking overnight, plan to use Daily Parking, the Economy Lots. Designated disabled parking spaces are conveniently located in the Garage Complex. Wheelchair access to all terminals is on level 1or level 4 on the west end of the Garage Complex. If you are parking on any other level, take the elevator to level 1 and cross or ride the shuttle to the west end of the Garage Complex. The shuttles operate continuously on level 1. High top van parking is available throughout the Garage Complex.
Airline Information:
Contact your airline for flight information and for wheelchair service.
Airline phone numbers